I'm a web developer passionate about learning new stuff, solving new problems and building software. I'm also the main writer behind 8Satire (AKA 8shit.net), a big satire news website. Most of my time I'm posting memes, working on new projects and contributing to open source software. You can also hire me!
I enjoy coding both for the front-end and for the back-end. I'm a fan of being on the same page as everyone else, that's why I work with solid frameworks / libraries such as Laravel, React, Vue, Redux, Django and more.
I think version control is an essential part of the development process, so I use git in all my projects. I also write unit tests and like continous integration, since bugs are always there to be found as early as possible.
I'm a big fan of clean code, good practices and conventions. I usually follow the most used coding style for every language I use. I don't care about tabs vs spaces, I'll follow whatever the language / my team follows and will stick to it consistently.
Things I can show off.
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